Saturday, October 22, 2011

Four Days Old

Jordan is now 4 days old, but his third day of life was an emotional roller coaster. Jordan made it through the night very well. In fact, one of the neonatologists said she was optimistic that Jordan could undergo the repair of the hernia next week. With that news, we got a good night's sleep.

Today, we had a more interactive day with Jordan. Brandi has enjoyed reading and talking to him. Jordan held Michael's finger and didn't want to let go. We have played soft music for him. At one point, he even reached out his hands to us - we don't know if he meant to or if it was the medicine, but it was cute anyway.

Jordan - 3 days old - holding daddy's hand
Then, suddenly, his stats dropped. Much of the progress he had made yesterday was lost in 15 minutes. They think it was a combination of things. They changed him over to morphine today because he had built up a resistance for fentanyl - which is normal. They had also repositioned him. Two things happened: 1) the morphine had not had enough time to kick in and he had started to wake up and 2) repositioning him caused some fluids to loosen in his chest. They routinely suction out his chest but too much fluid was present causing an inefficient exchange in his breathing.

All afternoon we have watched Jordan try to recover. As of right now he is stable and his numbers are slowly coming back.  It is emotionally draining to watch his status rise and fall.  We are doing our best to take this hour by hour, day by day.

Here is a sample of one of the nursery rhymes that Brandi read to Jordan:

"God's with me, God's with me,
I'm as safe as can be.
When the rain comes down, I will not be afraid.
God's with me; he keeps me safe.

God's with me, God's with me,
I'm as safe as can be.
When the wind blows hard, I will not be afraid.
God's with me, he keeps me safe."

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